Independent Thinking Blog


The Price of Milk

Pricing can be tricky. Aim too low, and people wonder what's wrong with your product (or think your service is second rate). Price too high, and you might have few or no takers. I'll pay a premium for value. Great customer service, beautiful design, and reducing...

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Can We Build a Super-Entrepreneur?

Fred Wilson wrote a thoughtful analysis of the differences between first timers and serial entrepreneurs: "The best first time entrepreneurs have been stewing on their idea for quite a while... They often get the right product into the market at the right time and...

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Can You Work Without a Net?

I've been pondering routines lately: why you need them and when to break free. In a recent Workshifting post, I explored the paradox of the flexible routine: Working from home (or anywhere else you choose) isn't about avoiding routine--it's about being able to set...

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Is Mobile Search Different?

Is mobile search different? Neicole Crepeau pointed me to some interesting statistics about how people search when they're using their mobile phones. One statistic, in particular jumped out at me: 40 percent of smartphone users say that they’re more [influenced] by...

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How Much Is a Referral Worth?

There was an interesting discussion on the SoloPR tweet chat last week about discounting services. Specifically: As a new SoloPR [pro], would you give a big discount to a client who offers to or does actively help you grow your business? If you read this blog...

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