Affiliate links can be a simple way to add in a passive income stream, but at what cost to your brand and its reputation?

Affiliate links can be a simple way to add in a passive income stream, but at what cost to your brand and its reputation?
A Game of Thrones marketing tie-in probably makes sense if you sell broadswords or raise wolves. If not, is it really the right image for your brand?
Let's say you're revamping your Web site. You're probably focused on the home page. That's a good thing. It is, after all, often someone's first impression of your business. The look, feel, messaging, and branding are all important. Then once you get the home page...
You can try to define your brand. You can create your corporate culture. Build a great product. Map your touchpoints. Hire wisely. Turn your customers into raving fans. And yet-- I define your brand. Your employees, customers, members, patients, and everyone else your...
I thought the crispy bacon on the breakfast buffet would be the highlight of my day. I was wrong. There would be champagne. (More on that in a moment.) I spent three nights in three hotels recently as part of a road trip to southwest Florida for a conference. The...
I’ve read a lot of standard contracts. I’ve never signed one. When I ran my condo association, I read a lot of these. The property manager would hand them to me and expect me to rubber-stamp them. Um… NO. I’d read them, mark them up, and send them back. Every time....
Something really interesting is happening in the business of basketball. Free agency started July 1. This is the period where billionaire owners woo star players. Millions of dollars in deals ensue. (This isn't really a post about the NBA. So stay with me.) In the...
What if your business had thousands of brand evangelists who live and die by every move you make? People who create fan pages, hold meetups, and forge friendships over you. People who will stand in line for hours for your latest product. People who will...
Ian Gertler and I were having a conversation about swag. Swag or schwag--it's the cool stuff companies compete to put into Oscar gift bags. The pens, phone chargers, paperweights, and the like that show up in the average conference tote. Like this. As you can see, the...
You know how when you see or hear certain advertisements, you can identify the company immediately even if the ad spot is brand new? Credit solid branding. The GEICO gecko. Local car dealership Eastern Motors. I dare you to watch the ad and not have the jingle...