A new subscriber emailed to tell me his biggest challenge is identifying and attracting potential customers. Here are four strategies that work.

A new subscriber emailed to tell me his biggest challenge is identifying and attracting potential customers. Here are four strategies that work.
I was updating an old article recently that had a wonderful line about Rolodex(es). I used to have two large ones filled with mostly business cards stapled onto index cards that contained the contact history of my business life. Now we call that Google Contacts. And...
I received 79 new LinkedIn connections on Saturday. Before you congratulate me on my networking prowess-- Before you pity me for having nothing better to do on a Saturday morning than send out LinkedIn invites-- I had nothing to do with it. Rien. Nada. Zilch. Zippo....
It's a new year (happy new year!), and I'm not going to start by talking about trends. Instead, I'm going to talk about goals and expectations. This isn't about deep thoughts -- or trite inspirational quotes. I'm not a maker of new year's resolutions. That said, a...
I know who's obsessed with bacon and who has seen Jimmy Buffet in concert 100 times. I can tell you who roots for the Mets, or the Tigers, or the Cubs. Who's crazy about the NBA and who really, really loves college basketball. I can identify the runners, and people...
My friend Angelo probably doesn't know it, but he helped me find my online voice. We were standing on a line to get our photos taken at an AdWeekDC event shortly after the 2008 election. Panelists from LinkedIn, Facebook, and MySpace had just finished talking about...
Let's clear something up: Influence is important. Badges, numbers, and algorithms are not. I deleted my Klout account because people's perceptions of my value shouldn't rise or fall depending on whether I'm talking to an "online rock star" with thousands of Twitter...
Twenty million people received a flattering e-mail from LinkedIn the other day telling them they had one of the most viewed profiles in 2012 (either Top 5 percent or Top 10 percent). Hurrah, you're special. Pat yourself on the back. Tweet it out again. Are we done...
A colleague recently asked me how I get referrals. It's a good question, because referrals can be a terrific source of new business. Referrals happen both deliberately and organically. Deliberate referrals are all about staying top of mind and letting people know you...
No one would call me an introvert. I'm the person who will almost always choose the room where I know no one over the room where everybody knows your name. All that moving around the world growing up made me comfortable talking with strangers. But I also have the...