I love billboards, and not just because dozens of South of the Border ads have given me and millions of other drivers cheesy entertainment while driving up and down I-95. Billboards work. In an era when we're constantly on the edge of sensory overload, very little...
Independent Thinking Blog
Why Upselling is Unnecessary
Upselling is a really dumb strategy. Instead of pressuring people into buying something they don't want (and often don't need), why not just wow them? If you do customer service right, your customers will buy more. Maybe not this visit, but they'll come back. And...
You’re Always Auditioning
I stopped into an Irish Pub the other day for a quick pint of Guinness. A guy sidled up to the bar and ordered "two PBRs and a Coors Light." This post is about impressions--and your brand. Are you wearing flip flops at work? Do I have to call you more than once...
Wired for Innovation
I caught up on back issues of Wired this weekend. Good writing is underrated, and this magazine has some of the best. Plus, where else can you read about behavioral feedback loops, hackers, a kerfuffle over a hijacked copy of a video game, and Harry Potter in the same...
What’s Your Entrepreneurial DNA?
Clones might be perfect, but people are intriguing. We’re intriguing because we’re not all the same. We don’t look alike. We don’t act in unison. And we have different strengths—and weaknesses. There also isn’t “one” entrepreneur. And, in Entrepreneurial DNA, Joe...
Can a Personal Brand Coexist Within a Corporate Ecosystem?
Love it, hate it, or deny it exists, personal branding is a hot topic. And it's going to be THE topic today for #sm122, a weekly tweet chat around the business of social media. Join me at 12 noon EST as I host a conversation around personal branding. We'll explore:...
Is Your Business Responsive?
When I moved into my condo, it took me a couple of months to find a tile guy to replace my kitchen floor. The job was "too small," one contractor flat out said to me. When I was writing articles for an insurance company, two brokers and one attorney (the company's...
3 Ways to Strengthen Customer Experience Online
I heard Linda Ireland speak last week about how to strengthen the customer experience on social media platforms. A key point she made during the MarketingProfs Webinar is that customers are demanding--to be heard, authenticity, speed, support, interaction,...
5 Myths About Entrepreneurs
Check out this instructive post by Vivek Wadhwa, director of research at Duke University's Center for Entrepreneurship and Research Commercialization. In it, he explores five myths about entrepreneurs: Typical U.S. tech entrepreneurs are in their 20s. Entrepreneurs...
Spotify’s Business Disruptive Factor (And Why Vinyl May Finally Be Obsolete)
Spotify has landed in America. The music-streaming service with 15 million songs in its catalogue is likely to be disruptive to the music industry in a way that Apple only dreamt of. Here are three reasons: 1. My vinyl is finally obsolete. I have a large collection of...