Independent Thinking Blog


Sometimes a Cartoon Says It All

I could write another blog post about metrics. I could write about how clicking a "like" button or retweeting your pithy words of wisdom doesn't mean squat unless it moves the needle for your business. Maybe it makes you happy that someone likes you. But being popular...

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How to Use Hashtags

In the search engine optimization (SEO) world, there are “white hat” and “black hat” tactics. Google has spent the last couple of years tackling keyword stuffing, link baiting, and other such black-hat efforts—that’s what the Panda and Penguin search algorithm updates...

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The 8-Mile Rule

I've been watching a team underperform for months. When the team assembled in the preseason, the manager proclaimed “championship or bust.” The pundits marveled at their skill and the depth of the talent.  And the players looked around at how awesome they all were....

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