The Buffer community was on a roll. The #bufferchat Twitter conversation this week was all about books. Books we loved as a kid. Books that inspire us now. Books that guide our businesses. Classic books and not-so-classic books. When I offered to build a master...
Independent Thinking Blog
The Great Social Media Posting Debate
I don't think Kevan Lee has cloned himself. Lee works for Buffer, where he's responsible for creating a lot of the amazing content on the company's marketing blog. He also tweets a lot--including at off-hours. A3: I'm a big fan of posting at non-peak times...
Mobile Apps Are Taking Over the World
It's a mobile apps world. Twitter. Spotify. Slack. Pick your apps. The Google Play Store has 1.6 million apps to choose from. Recent research from Flurry Insights reveals that 90 percent of U.S. mobile Internet time is spent in apps. Some of this is the fact that...
The Twitter Customer Service Conundrum
Should you use Twitter for customer service? This is a question a lot of businesses wrestle with. Both whether to be there and how to use the platform wisely. As a customer, I typically use Twitter for three types of customer service situations: When a company's phone...
Is Social Business Reaching a Tipping Point?
Your business may be "social," but is it a social business? Social business is all about moving beyond just using social media (listening, posting, chatting, and so forth). It's about more effectively leveraging the social conversations to help employees bottom-up,...
Industry Standard is a Cop-Out
I’ve read a lot of standard contracts. I’ve never signed one. When I ran my condo association, I read a lot of these. The property manager would hand them to me and expect me to rubber-stamp them. Um… NO. I’d read them, mark them up, and send them back. Every time....
Blogging on the Lazy River
I was in Orlando last week for a conference. It was a last-minute decision to head south. And I didn't actually attend the conference. I really went to see some SoloPR PRO friends and colleagues who were at the conference. To hang out. To network. And to get energized...
Finding Fresh Voices 2
I wrote a post a couple of years ago about finding fresh voices. It was all about how you need new perspectives to be creative. I'm taking a Coursera class right now on Internet Giants: The Law and Economics of Media Platforms. It's a fascinating look at Microsoft,...
This Superpower Will Make Your Business Better
I know who's obsessed with bacon and who has seen Jimmy Buffet in concert 100 times. I can tell you who roots for the Mets, or the Tigers, or the Cubs. Who's crazy about the NBA and who really, really loves college basketball. I can identify the runners, and people...
You Can’t Dial in Your Content Marketing
You might have noticed there was no blog post last week. I had no idea what I wanted to write about. I dove into my subscriptions in Feedly. I skimmed e-mail subscriptions and read random articles. I looked at my Wunderlist of blog post ideas. No inspiration. Total...