Independent Thinking Blog


Your Brand Is No Longer Geotagged

Something really interesting is happening in the business of basketball. Free agency started July 1. This is the period where billionaire owners woo star players. Millions of dollars in deals ensue. (This isn't really a post about the NBA. So stay with me.) In the...

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The Latest Trend in Content Curation

There's a new trend in content curation. People. This should be good news. One, we are people (and it's useful to be valued). Two, it's helpful for anyone who thinks that algorithms aren't the secret sauce to world domination. For the record, my content is already...

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Is LinkedIn the Anti Social Network?

Now we are 7. My blog turned seven on June 4, which means I've been blogging here since 2008. Which seems a long time, especially in digital years (which make dog years seem quaint). I wasn't marking this passage of time--but LinkedIn was. At some point last week, the...

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