You need fresh voices and new perspectives to go from doing the work to figuring out how to position your business to thrive over time.
Independent Thinking Blog
citizen journalism
Diversity @ Work: Yes, we still need to talk.
Workplace diversity can’t just be a box to check off on your corporate scorecard. And it’s not enough to “look like” America either.
Influencer Marketing Isn’t About Numbers
Influencer marketing often gets it wrong by focusing on the wrong metrics. What matters is not how many friends you have, or how many people you follow. It’s who they are.
Facebook’s Latest Algorithm Changes Are No Reason to Panic
Don’t panic. Facebook’s latest algorithm changes are a needed course correction, and they don’t have to sink your brand strategy.
Here’s How to Keep Your Customers
Want to keep your customers? Stop focusing on your competition and understand instead why people do business with you.
These Four 2018 Mega-Trends Will Impact Your Business
These four 2018 mega-trends will impact every business. The question: are you prepared for the uncertainty?
2 Guides and 3 Tips to Improve Your Cybersecurity
The key to website security (and your overall cybersecurity) is taking smart, proactive steps to make your data and your business more secure.
The Problem With Staying on Message
The problem with messaging is that too many businesses stay on message by talking in talking points rather than engaging in conversation.
The Business Imperative for Web Design
Your business shifts over time and your website should too. So when was the last time you undertook a web redesign?
Every Business Has a Paywall
Paywalls aren’t just for consumer products and media companies. Every business has one, and it’s important to understand how yours works.