Independent Thinking Blog


The Fine Print

We talk a lot about "reading the fine print." The disclosures that scroll across the bottom of TV ads. Multi-page bank privacy statements. Multi-screen end-user agreements. All those documents you sign when you buy a house or refinance a mortgage--or start a new job....

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Timing Your Commute

Do you time your commute? My latest Workshifting post is up, and it's about what happens when you actually have to leave your home office (or your favorite coffeehouse): The only problem with short commutes is not having one.   My commute is 10 feet. I get up,...

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Tact and Bluntness

A colleague complimented me on my tact, saying I "have a wonderful way with words... poise and grace." Another likes my bluntness, saying that "real friends tell it straight, compliments AND criticisms." Tact and bluntness. My mom once said she was glad that I had...

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