Independent Thinking Blog


Who Runs Your Business?

Once upon a time, I found over $100,000 of fluff in my condo association's budget proposal. I wasn't a board member. I wasn't on the budget and finance committee. I was "just" a co-owner--and I was mad. I hadn't paid a lot of attention to the budget until then, but I...

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The Smallest Stuff Is Your Brand Too

Sometimes it's the little things that represent your brand the best. Like these prescription bottles from Target. Notice the brand colors and the red rubber rim collars that evoke the company's logo. The little bottle with the whimsical triangular design. Don't they...

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What Defines a Good Mobile Site?

I have a secret: I hate mobile sites. Okay, not all of them. I love that Amazon lets me find and buy pretty much anything with one touch. (Which, by the way, is a pretty smart sales strategy too.) And StubHub's screen navigation makes changing or updating listings...

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