By now you've probably heard that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is purchasing the Washington Post. It's always noteworthy when a major media company changes hands--and often, in my opinion, this has not turned out to be in the best interest of journalism, readers, or an...
Independent Thinking Blog
What You Need to Know about Twitter’s Interest Graph
Have you seen the AT&T ad where little kids posit numbers bigger than infinity? (The ad is awesome, by the way.) These days, some social media platforms have their own versions of crazy numbers. A few examples: Facebook has 665 million daily active users. YouTube...
When Blogging Takes a Back Seat
The blog is back! Not that it really went anywhere. My Fourth of July holiday weekend started off great—and then I got sick. Not seriously-ill, in-the-hospital sick; just miserable enough to spend 10 days in bed and almost totally offline—and another two weeks...
The Problem with Chocolate Conversations
Quick Poll: What's your favorite kind of chocolate? Ask three people about chocolate and you are likely to get at least three different answers. Hazelnut truffles, cherry bonbons, Hershey's kisses, bittersweet hot fudge. (The hot fudge is for me.) A new book makes the...
What Trends Shape the Future of Work?
From 24/7 access to digital ubiquity, the ways that we find information, process data, learn, and make decisions are rapidly changing -- transforming us and our relationships with screens and with each other. It's also changing how we work. A new article looks at five...
Twitter Changes Afoot: 3 Things You Need to Know
Twitter has rolled out three major changes in the last week: updating its API, opening up analytics, and expanding advertising. Each is likely to have an impact on the way we interact with and on the platform. Let's look at what Twitter has done. The updated API puts...
How to Create an Instant Brand Fan
Running Shoes + Baseball Talk = Instant Brand Fan. Let me explain. My friend Deborah Brody mentioned that she'd just purchased new running shoes from Zappos. She also mentioned how convenient it was, and that she was able to purchase the last model at a discount. So I...
Why Numbers Matter
There's a show on ESPN called Numbers Never Lie. As part of the brand, ESPN has done a series of short illustrated videos talking about sports figures (or sports events) and numbers. Simple numbers. Ratios. Statistics. Data. Numbers matter. I was at an event recently...
Teaching Social Media
We're teaching social media all wrong. We focus on how to use these platforms for business. We teach employees how to upload and tag pictures on Google+ from their association's annual meeting or how to post a status update on Facebook about all the cool places...

What Does Free Speech Mean to Google?
In an era where algorithms largely guide our news consumption choices, how can we break out of our filter bubbles?