Independent Thinking Blog

Windows 7 and Me

Have you see the Windows 7 Was My Idea ads?

The concept is great because it strengthens the “I’m a PC” tag that did a good job at humanizing the Microsoft brand. Plus any ad campaign that both empowers geeks and has people envisioning themselves as hunks makes me smile.

But there’s another reason they work: because Windows 7 is user-friendly. It’s the first version of the operating system that seamlessly transfers all your files–and keeps your settings and accounts intact. I know, because I went through setting up my new computer just weeks ago. And best of all: Windows 7 recognizes existing local networks, so that all I needed to do was put in my password (at the prompt) during the initial set-up phase and I was online with no business interruption.

Now I’m a PC, and that was my idea.

Photo by Dirk Haun (Flickr).

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