Independent Thinking Blog

Traditional Marketing Isn’t Dead

Traditional marketing isn’t dead.

By traditional, I mean not digital, not social media, not shiny new toy.

Despite all the books, articles, and attention focused on social media, the latest billion-dollar Facebook and Google acquisitions, and the gurus telling you that digital is where it’s at, there are still businesses finding customers and clients offline.

It’s never one-size-fits-all.

During a marketing panel last week, we talked about traditional tactics. We also discussed how to approach digital (and add it into your marketing mix), why blogging makes you findable, online research and competitive intelligence, and the importance of branding.

Daria Steigman with fellow panelists

That’s me with fellow panelists Jennifer Jessie (l) and Kris Brinker (r).

The audience was business owners, and as one myself I felt it was really important to emphasize that marketing is more than just “being on Facebook” or developing a Twitter, Instagram, G+, or YouTube strategy.

There’s a lot of noise out there.

Marketing messages are everywhere. So how do you stand out?

Traditional marketing just may be your secret weapon.

I talked about how billboard advertising can build brand awareness or steer customers to your hotel, gas station, restaurant, or retail store.

I also talked about snail mail, and how I have used it very effectively over the years to build brand awareness and reach out to prospects. Panelist Kris Brinker noted that the U.S. Post Office has developed Every Door Direct to help businesses target and cost-effectively use direct mail.

One participant mentioned the importance of a capabilities statement she could leave behind with prospects. Another person talked about ad-wrapping his van.

Sometimes the easiest way to get your message out is the simplest one too. A drive-time radio spot. A letter. A phone call.

What traditional strategies are in your marketing mix?

Feature photo by kitsu (Flickr).

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