I just spent about eight hours over the past week dealing with a lemon of a new computer. In 2-3 hour time blocks, I alternately tried to get the operating system updates installed, tweeted with @WindowsSupport, and talked to Costco Concierge. The last straw was when...
Independent Thinking Blog
Process and Procedures
I've been hearing a lot about process and procedures. NFL Commissioner Roger Goddell is assembling a binder full of women to look at his sports league's process and procedures. I guess his thinking is that if they had a different step-wise process then they would have...
Is There a “Spiral of Silence” in Social Media?
Pew Research found that people are less likely to talk about controversial topics online than in person. The latest Pew Research Internet Project poll revolved around the question of Edward Snowden's revelations about NSA spying. It found, among other things, that "86...
The Problem with Anonymity
I’ve been trying to figure out what troubles me so much about fans in their home stadiums-arenas-ballparks screaming that a player is worthless (or worse) and reigning down boos. Maybe the athlete punted the ball badly, kicked an own-goal, or dropped a catch. Cue the...
A (Short) Labor Day Reading List
I was all set to write a brilliant post about social media, anonymity, and inhibitions. (It's really not as sexy as it sounds.) Then I read an intriguing article about peer pressure and online sharing and thought maybe I'd write about that. Then Labor Day happened....
Social Media Productivity Hacks 2
I’m using the phrase “productivity hacks” because it sounds a lot sexier than saying “tools I found online to help me do my job a little better or a little easier.” And, yes, my best hacking days (such that they exist) are ahead of me. Here are four tools I’ve...
How Google Apps Saved My Bacon
I love bacon, but this post isn't about bacon. It’s about Google. Or, more precisely, Google Apps for Business, which I entrust with delivering my business email. Which it turns out is a really, really smart decision. I woke up the other morning and discovered that my...
Is It Time for a Chief Digital Officer?
I took part in a Twitter discussion the other day around CMOs, CIOs, data, and how organizations should be run in a rapidly changing market (and marketing) environment. We can all agree the ground has shifted. We’re awash in data (BIG and small). New technologies have...
Take Your Brand Experience to the Next Level
Every organization needs to understand its touchpoints. A touchpoint is any place your organization comes into contact with stakeholders—employees, customers, prospects, partners, the media, and so forth. Every touchpoint is part of your brand experience. Touchpoints...
Are You Approachable?
Walk into any store, restaurant, theatre, medical office, workplace, or other “bricks and mortar” location and the customer experience is all around you. You can gauge how the business feels about its customers and guests. Are staff smiling, welcoming, and helpful or...