There are two seemingly diametrical trends taking place right now: dark social and live everywhere. This post looks at the first one. Dark sharing was a term coined to describe the shares we can't track -- e-mailing an article to a friend, texting a URL, DMing a video...
Independent Thinking Blog
The Value of You
How much is your work worth? This isn't an idle question. We all want to be recognized and compensated for the value we bring to the table and the results we generate for our bosses (or our own businesses). It's about value. And money. I've written before about how...
Your Brand is Live
Sometimes I think the Borg have arrived. In case you're not a Star Trek fan, the Borg are a race of cybernetic organisms with a hive mind and a nasty habit of saying "resistance is futile." Then they assimilate you. Facebook is getting to feel a bit like that. I don't...
How the Brainbelts Will Save America
Welcome to the era of brainbelts. A brainbelt is a term coined by Antoine van Agtmael and Fred Bakker to talk about the transformation of traditional rustbelt cities in the U.S. and Europe into centers of global innovation. van Agtmael said in remarks at the Brookings...
Mobile is the New Tech Ecosystem
About 20 percent of my Web site traffic comes from mobile. The number -- and that it isn't higher -- isn't really surprising. Mobile may be the new tech ecosystem, but much of my traffic comes from business people, most of whom still spend a lot of the day in an...
My 79 New LinkedIn Connections
I received 79 new LinkedIn connections on Saturday. Before you congratulate me on my networking prowess-- Before you pity me for having nothing better to do on a Saturday morning than send out LinkedIn invites-- I had nothing to do with it. Rien. Nada. Zilch. Zippo....
The Awesomeness Trap
No one sets out to create bad content. The doesn't mean, however, that all your content is effective at achieving its specific goal. Maybe that's selling a product, driving donations, encouraging new member sign-ups, educating people, or even the somewhat squishier...
Facebook Instant Articles & Your Business
Facebook Instant Articles are here. The social media behemoth is opening up Instant Articles to all publishers. While the feature rolled out with a select group of large media companies (think Buzzfeed or The New York Times), it will be available to everyone starting...
Twitter Algorithms, Facebook Reactions, & Snapchat Ghosts
It's been a busy time for social media. Twitter is fundamentally shifting how people see tweets. Facebook wants you to like, love, laugh, be sad, or get mad. As for Snapchat? Brands are getting desperate for you to follow them there. All of which means it's time for...
Diversity Isn’t a Rainbow Coalition
The #OscarsSoWhite discussion once again put the topic of diversity front and center. The focus of the Oscars was on the nominations. However, as The Guardian pointed out, "it is not the Academy that is cheating minorities, it is the film industry itself." The...