Independent Thinking Blog

Second Look: Innovation and Cloud Computing

Each week I’m highlighting 3 or 4 posts, surveys, and other news that I have read and/or tweeted about that you may not have seen. As the name implies, I think they deserve a second look.

Here’s your second look for this week:

1. Embracing Small Innovations: A cautionary tale from Fast Company about innovation and the folly of rejecting ideas while waiting for that one big innovation.

2. Cloud Computing’s Dark Side: Sure, Google Docs has its advantages, but did you know you legally have less privacy protection when it comes to information stored on a third-party server?

3. Outsourcing Wisely: Terrific piece from Business Week Small Business about assessing your strengths, knowing your limits, and bringing in people to help you achieve business success.

Photo by Julian Stallabrass (Flickr).

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