Independent Thinking Blog

How I Read 100 Blogs a Day and You Can Too

When I tell people that I read 100 blogs a day, it’s not about making myself into Wonder Woman. (Of course, she is pretty awesome.)

I read a lot of blogs to keep up with industry trends, to update my skills and know-how, and to be what my mom calls “an educated woman.” And I make declarative statements about reading to shake people loose from the perception that they can’t do the same.

It starts with an investment in yourself.

I’m currently subscribed to 113 blogs. They include 24 business blogs; 21 marketing blogs; 15 tech product blogs (i.e., MailChimp, Buffer, Gmail); 14 social media blogs; 12 blogs covering law, security, and culture; nine sports blogs; six tech blogs; four science blogs; three events blogs; two customer service blogs; two social business blogs; and one health IT blog. Some blogs feature multiple posts a day; others might post daily, weekly, or even less frequently.

Here’s how I do it.

1. RSS is my friend. I subscribe to blogs via RSS, and then use Feedly to aggregate all my subscriptions in one place. From there, I can set up separate folders and tag blogs into categories.

2. I use the “first paragraph” test. There are a few blogs (and bloggers) I always read. Most of the time, however, I window shop—skimming the headlines and first paragraphs to see what catches my eye. For example, I’ll look at SCOTUS Blog to get a snapshot of what the Supreme Court is focused on but will rarely deep dive into a post. Ditto for the Wall Street Journal’s At Work (which also features multiple posts a day), where I generally read 1-2 posts a week.

3. I rarely go backwards. I try very hard to make a decision about every post, and not just what to read and what to remove. It’s also about what to do with useful content (and not just mark posts “unread” and go through the whole process again later). I try to do one of three things with a useful post:

  • Share it
  • Save it to Pocket (my new go-to vault, especially for how-to posts)
  • Bookmark it in Chrome

I will also, of course, sometimes click over to a post and leave a blog comment.

4. Blog posts make a good snack. Just as I’ll pop onto Twitter for a work break, I’ll dip into my feeds and catch up on baseball news or read through a few business blogs. I also read blog posts on the Metro, while walking on the treadmill, or any other time I want a mental break.

5. If I’m sharing, I’m reading. New research got a lot of headlines lately for suggesting a lack of correlation between sharing and reading. That’s not me. If I’m sharing it, I’ve read it.

Choose to invest in yourself.

Sure, it takes time. And it’s not easy. And my process for reading 100 blogs works for me but might not work at all for you. But there’s a process for you somewhere too.

What strategies are you using to read 20, or 50, or 100 blogs a day?

Photo by Karen Dalziel (Flickr). 


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