Independent Thinking Blog
Independent Thinking Blog
What’s Next for Design Thinking?
It’s no secret that I’m fascinated by design thinking. We’re increasingly connected to, by, and with “things.” So how we interact with objects and devices – and that we can interact with them -- becomes less a question of convenience and more a universal imperative....
Are Lists the Future of Search?
My mouse was driving me crazy. I changed the battery, cleaned the bottom, and even tested multiple mouse pads -- and it was still sluggish with periods of just not working at all. So I wised up, went online, and purchased a new mouse from Amazon. Amazon makes it easy...
How Long is this Blog Post?
Word counters can be very helpful. They're useful for: keeping post meta descriptions under 156 characters tweaking an online application so your bio fits in the allocated space checking that tweets + links stay under 140 characters ensuring that your LinkedIn invites...
Millennial Entrepreneurs Are Diverse, Digital, & Green
Who are the millennial entrepreneurs? That's a question the Business Journals sought to explore in a report released late last year entitled, Millennial Business Owners: Optimism Abounds. The report surveyed over 1,300 millennial and boomer business owners and...
5 Future of Marketing Trends You Need to Know Now
How is marketing evolving, and what is the future of marketing? This is the question that was at the core of a presentation by Mitch Joel, a digital marketer who spends a lot of time looking at where the profession is going and how companies can position themselves to...