Influencer marketing often gets it wrong by focusing on the wrong metrics. What matters is not how many friends you have, or how many people you follow. It’s who they are.

Influencer marketing often gets it wrong by focusing on the wrong metrics. What matters is not how many friends you have, or how many people you follow. It’s who they are.
Facebook believes I'm "very liberal" and like the UK's Conservative Party. The social networking platform also believes I'm a technology early adopter with an African-American "ethnic affinity" who likes words and alarm clocks. Here'a little more from my Facebook ad...
Sometimes I think the Borg have arrived. In case you're not a Star Trek fan, the Borg are a race of cybernetic organisms with a hive mind and a nasty habit of saying "resistance is futile." Then they assimilate you. Facebook is getting to feel a bit like that. I don't...
Should you use Twitter for customer service? This is a question a lot of businesses wrestle with. Both whether to be there and how to use the platform wisely. As a customer, I typically use Twitter for three types of customer service situations: When a company's phone...
Your business may be "social," but is it a social business? Social business is all about moving beyond just using social media (listening, posting, chatting, and so forth). It's about more effectively leveraging the social conversations to help employees bottom-up,...
Sometime last year I heard a radio show host discussing metrics in a fragmented media market. To access his show, you could listen live on radio, watch simulcast on TV, download two different streaming apps, and download the podcast to listen later. Just measuring the...
I took part in a Twitter discussion the other day around CMOs, CIOs, data, and how organizations should be run in a rapidly changing market (and marketing) environment. We can all agree the ground has shifted. We’re awash in data (BIG and small). New technologies have...
I quietly reconnected my Klout profile a few weeks ago. Klout scores are popping up all over. More specifically, in Nimble--the social CRM software that I started using to help me better keep track of everyone and more-wisely manage my workflow. Silly little numbers....
I've talked before about social customers, sales cycles, and megaphones. This matters. But it’s also the (relatively) easy part for social brands to tackle—and for social businesses. What’s harder is understanding how to respond to the fact that, as customers, we are...
You can’t talk about social business without first talking about social customers. Because we, as consumers, find ourselves with the global equivalent of a megaphone in our hands. Or, more precisely, a mouse click or touchscreen away. But what is a social customer? A...